People of this African tribe take bath only once a day in their entire life, this is how they keep their body clean.


People of different tribes live in many countries of the world. The costumes, food habits, lifestyle, customs and beliefs of the people of all these tribes are different. But today we are going to tell you about a tribe who take bath only once in their entire life. Now this question must be coming in the mind of all of you that then how do they keep themselves clean and how do they protect themselves from all the diseases. Today we will tell you which tribe is this and how it keeps itself clean. 

Tribes of Africa

Most of the tribes and tribals in the world People of communities have their own customs and traditions. Not only this, these people are still following thousands of years old traditions. Let us tell you that in Namibia of the African continent, there is a tribe named Himba, which does not bathe throughout its life. Not only this, there is a strict ban on bathing for the tribal people. Whereas the women of the tribe take bath only on their wedding day throughout their life. Not only this, people of the community cannot even use water to wash their clothes. The total population of this tribe is around 50,000. Let us tell you that most of the people of the community spend their time in the fields.

How do they keep themselves clean?

The biggest question is that When the people of Himba tribe do not bathe, then how do they keep themselves clean? Let us tell you that the people of the tribe take bath in smoke to protect themselves from infection. Women adopt special methods to keep themselves clean. They boil special herbs in water and keep themselves clean with the steam. Due to this their body does not smell. Not only this, she also applies a special lotion made by herself to protect her skin from the sun. This lotion is made from animal fat and special mineral hematite. 

The birth of a child is also special

In the Himba tribe, the birth of children is special. Quite a different tradition is also followed. In this tribe the date of birth is not considered after the child comes into the world. From the moment any woman of the tribe starts thinking about having a child, the birth of the child is considered accepted. To become mothers, women of the tribe are advised to listen to songs related to children. After this, women sit under the tree and listen to songs related to children. Not only this, he himself also has to compose a song related to children. After this the woman sings the song to her partner. Apart from this, both men and women sing this song while having sex. When a woman becomes pregnant, she teaches this song to other women of the tribe. The same song is sung to the child from time to time from birth to death.


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