Pilots tell the Temperature: Why do pilots tell the outside temperature to passengers during travel, experts told the reason for this

 Today, most of the people prefer to travel by airplane to save time. But do you know why the pilot tells you the outside temperature at the time of flight landing. Most of the people who travel by flight daily would not know the answer to this question. Today we will tell you the reason behind this. 

Announcement in flight

Traveling in flight is also the dream of most people. There are many interesting facts related to flights which people do not know. One such fact is related to the announcement made by the pilot in the plane. If you have traveled by flight, you must be aware that the pilots inform you about the outside temperature just before the start of the journey or during the journey. Apart from this, many times he also tells at what height the plane is flying. According to a report of USA Today, people had asked aviation experts questions related to this. According to the information, due to technical reasons, it is necessary for the pilot or other flight personnel to know what the temperature is outside. According to plane related experts, passengers like to know such information. This information is given at the time of welcome announcement, which would generate interest in the journey. Apart from this, information is also given about the monuments or special areas over which the plane passes.

According to experts, there is an important reason behind telling the outside temperature. Actually, the pilot is informed about the weather conditions from the control room before landing. So that he knows with which special technique the plane has to be landed. At the same time, pilots tell this information to the passengers so that the passengers decide what things they have to keep in mind while landing. After getting information about the weather, passengers prepare themselves and descend. 

Also read:Passenger Planes: Why do passenger planes fly only at a height of 12 kilometers from the ground, what is the science behind it?

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