Pizza with shrimp toppings! Corn and cheese are old, now people are eating this worm, its price is more than ₹5,000

Italian Jhingur pizza: We often hear such news that if a worm is found in the food in a restaurant, the restaurant has to apologize. Even in our homes, if a worm is found in the food, the housewives never serve that food. But imagine if you go to a restaurant where you see crickets on the pizza in the plate? No, you cannot ask for a refund from this restaurant. In fact, crickets on the pizza are a specialty here. We are talking about Italy where people are being served pizza with cricket topping. This cricket flour is not available for 200 or 300 rupees but for more than 5,000 rupees per kilo. Italian chef Carlo del Buono and nutriinsect Jose Channi are both raising crickets and making a good business out of it. Let us tell you what is the reason behind serving crickets on pizza and how this is being done.

Pizza, which is eaten with great taste in Italy, has become a favourite dish all over the world today. There are hundreds of pizza lovers in India too. Be it a birthday or a gathering of friends, a pizza party is planned. Veg and non-veg pizzas are also liked a lot in India. But in Italy, crickets are being used extensively in pizza to give people a dose of protein. Recently, Italy has allowed humans to eat food made from crickets.

1 kilo of flour from 10,000 crickets

According to DW’s report, Jose Channi has started a startup named ‘Nutriinsect’. For which he first ordered 10,000 crickets from Australia. This was the first and last time when crickets came from abroad. Now Jose Channi is rearing these crickets and is making cricket flour in ‘Nutriinsect’. About 1 kg of flour is prepared from 10,000 crickets, which contains about 60% protein. This protein rich flour is being used a lot in pizzas. Jose says that only 5 liters of water is needed for 1 kg of crickets. Whereas 15,000 liters of water is used to produce 1 kilo of beef. The cost of this flour is 60 euros per kilo, i.e. about 5,400 rupees.

This is how shrimp flour is made

In a DW report, Jose Channi of ‘Nutriinsect’ says that crickets live for about 1 month. They are kept in a machine whose temperature is gradually reduced. This makes the crickets fall asleep and slowly die in their sleep. He claims that crickets do not suffer any pain in this process. This flour is prepared by grinding these dead crickets.

Chef Carlo del Buono is using cricket powder a lot in his restaurant located outside Rome. He first applies its flour on the pizza dough and then adds its topping on the pizza as well. He says that cricket flour should not be added more than 15 percent in pizza. Let us tell you that before Italy, cricket pizza is being served in Thailand as well. There is a restaurant named Bounce Burger in Thailand. Most of the people’s favorite fast food is served here. Cricket is now being added to this food.

Tags: Food, Food Recipe

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