plane crash compensation If a plane crashes do its passengers also get compensation Know what the law is

If a train accident occurs in the country, then the people killed and injured in the accident get a fixed amount as compensation. In such a situation, the question arises that if a plane crashes, will the people killed in that crash also get compensation. Let us know how much compensation is given in a plane crash and what is the law related to it.

What is the rule of compensation

In 2014, the Ministry of Civil Aviation had decided in a gazette notification that in case of a plane crash, airline passengers will get compensation of up to Rs 20 lakh. However, this rule will be applicable only in case of a domestic flight crash. If the flight is foreign, then there are different rules and regulations for it.

What are the rules for international flight crashes?

If an international flight crashes, there are different rules and regulations for it. Let us tell you, according to the Passenger Charter, if an international flight crashes, then as compensation, one can get up to 1,13,100 SDR or Special Drawing Rights from the airline. Here you can consider SDR as a global currency converter. Let us tell you, earlier this compensation was 1,00,000 SDR but India increased it to 1,13,100 SDR in the year 2016.

Do I need to buy insurance when I buy a ticket?

While booking train tickets, we also click on the insurance box. Some money is taken from us for this insurance. Now the question arises whether we have to do the same while booking plane tickets. The answer is no. Actually, in case of a plane accident, the entire plane is insured. In such a situation, when a plane accident occurs, the insurance company gives a fixed compensation to every person on board the plane.

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