PM Modi’s visit to Russia, S. Jaishankar told which issues will be discussed with President Putin

PM Modi’s visit to Russia: Prime Minister Narendra Modi He is going to Russia on Monday (July 08). There he will hold talks with President Vladimir Putin on several issues. Before that, a statement by Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar has come out. He said on Sunday (July 07) that PM Modi’s visit to Russia is a great opportunity for him and President Vladimir Putin to have direct talks on several issues, including trade.

The foreign minister said, “There are some issues. Like trade imbalance. So at the leadership level, this will be a great opportunity for Prime Minister Modi and President Putin to sit and talk directly with each other and as per their instructions we will see how to take the relationship forward.” He said that both India and Russia attach importance to the need for annual summits between the two countries.

‘Long history of good relations with Russia’

S. Jaishankar, while speaking to news agency ANI, said, “It was a tradition. It is a good tradition. We are two countries that have a very strong and very stable history of working together. Therefore, both of us attach great importance to the need for annual summits.”

He further said, “I also went to Moscow at the end of last year and at that time I had taken the message of the Prime Minister that we are committed to the annual summit and we will organize it soon.”

India-Russia annual summit is being held after three years

PM Modi will leave for Russia tomorrow i.e. Monday (July 8). President Putin has invited him for the 22nd India-Russia annual summit. This summit is taking place after three years. Earlier, the summit was held in December 2021, when Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Delhi. PM Modi is expected to discuss issues of regional and global importance with the President of Russia.

read this also: Is PM Modi’s visit to Russia an open message to America and Western countries?

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