Pooja Bhatt talked about Ranbir Alia’s daughter Raha Kapoor said she will debut soon. What does aunty Pooja Bhatt think about niece Raha? Better told than Ranbir-Alia, said

Pooja Bhatt on Raha Kapoor: Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is often in the headlines, but now her daughter Raha Kapoor has also started living in the limelight. Grandmother, grandmother, grandfather, father and aunt also keep talking to the media about him. These days Pooja Bhatt is busy promoting her upcoming series ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’. During this, he talked openly about his niece Raha.

Pooja Bhatt praised Raha and said that she is more intelligent than her parents and she will work in films when she grows up. Pooja Bhatt has said many things in praise of Raha.

What did Pooja Bhatt say about Raha Kapoor?

Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s daughter is the apple of the eyes of the Bhatt and Kapoor families. Raha’s eyes are praised a lot on social media. Pooja Bhatt also talked about Raha in an interview given to Zoom channel. She said, ‘I am waiting for the day when she herself will give advice. Right now I am watching them grow up. Pooja Bhatt said that Raha will become more intelligent than Ranbir and Alia, from now on she does many things which are surprising.

Pooja further said, ‘Every generation is better than its parents and this is visible in Raha. Raha is going to be more beautiful than her mother. Pooja Bhatt also praised Alia’s fashion sense. He said that Alia took great care of herself during pregnancy and also gave many tips to people. Alia and Ranbir are the best couple who are giving good upbringing to their daughter.

If we talk about ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’, it is releasing on Amazon Prime Video on March 14. In this, the boarding school life of some girls is shown. It will be interesting to see what life is like for those girls away from their families. Pooja Bhatt will be seen as Dean in this series.

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