Post partum Psychosis: After delivery, only the mother can harm her child, this is the reason behind the danger

Recently there was a news that a 28-year-old woman in Germany threw her newborn daughter out of the window. Actually, the woman felt that her career would be ruined because of the girl. Everyone was shocked by this incident, but have you ever wondered what is the reason behind it? This whole matter is of postpartum psychosis, which is usually ignored. In such cases, the mother herself harms her child after delivery. Let us tell you everything about this disease.

What happened to the woman who threw the child?

After knowing the incident at the beginning of the news, you must be wondering what happened to that woman? Actually, the name of that woman is Katrina Jovanovic, who was an executive in the Porsche company. After getting information about the case, everyone was shocked and people called her cruel. Apart from this, she has been sentenced to seven and a half years for killing the newborn. However, this whole matter is being discussed a lot on social media. Some people called it postpartum psychosis, in which new mothers are greatly affected by the severe mental distress.

Can a mother really harm her child?

In this whole case, a question has come up that can a mother really harm her child. Dr. Isha Wadhwa, Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynecology at Fortis Escorts Hospital, Faridabad, said that postpartum psychosis is seen as a mental health emergency. Such cases are seen in 1-2 women out of 1000. In fact, such cases have been seen during about six weeks after giving birth to the child.

What is the difference between depression and postpartum blues?

Dr. Wadhwa told that postpartum blues means that the mental condition becomes very bad. In such cases, the mother does not have any feelings for the child after giving birth to it. 20 to 25 percent of women go through this. When the mother’s mood gets spoiled due to the crying of the child for the next two weeks. She feels very bad and loses her sleep, then this condition takes the form of postpartum depression. About five to 10 percent of women face this condition. It has come to light in many studies that 22 percent of Indian women also suffer from postpartum depression.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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