Potato prices have started rising again many places the rates are more than Rs 35 per kg what is the reason of price hikes

Potato Price Hikes: If the inflation of any item increases in the country, it is the common man who gets hit the hardest. Potato is one of the most consumed vegetables in India. In a way, it is an all-rounder. It is used in many works. But the price of these two potatoes has increased significantly.

The price of potato has touched ₹35 per kg. In the month of February, the same potato was priced at Rs 12 per kg. So now its price has gone up to Rs 35 per kg in April. After all, what is the reason for such increase in the prices of potatoes? Let us know.

Prices increased more than double in 2 months

One thing is cheap in the market. Then the prices of other things skyrocket. Where onion prices were increasing. So now the prices of potatoes have spoiled the work of the people. Potato is the most consumed vegetable in India. Its rising prices have shaken the budget of the common man.

If we talk about the price of potato at present, it is up to Rs 35 per kg. Whereas in the month of February it was Rs 12 per kg. If seen in the last two months, the prices have more than doubled. In such a situation, the general public is looking for other options for the kitchen instead of potatoes.

Why are potato prices increasing?

Everyone is worried about the suddenly rising prices of potatoes. Especially the general public is being affected more by this. Regarding the rising prices of potatoes, market traders say that untimely rains have damaged many potato crops.

In such a situation, the demand for potatoes is high but the arrival is less. That’s why prices are increasing. And the same people want good quality potatoes which are available in very less quantity at present. Therefore, the prices of the available stock have become quite high.

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