Prayagraj fake currency bulldozer action may be taken against Madrasa ann

Prayagraj Fake Currency: The administration has started to crack down on the madrasa printing fake notes in Sangam city. The registration of the society running this madrasa will be cancelled. The District Minority Welfare Officer has recommended to the Assistant Registrar of Firms Societies and Chits to cancel the registration of the society.

Minority Welfare Officer Krishna Murari has sent a formal letter in this regard. It has been said in this letter that the Madrasa Jamia Habibiya which printed fake notes is not recognized. It is being run illegally. The business of printing fake notes was going on secretly in this Madrasa. After this case comes to light, the Madrasa can be sealed soon, not only this, bulldozer action can also be taken.

Registration of the institution running the madrasa will be canceled
This madrasa is run by the society Anjuman Jamia Habibiya. Through the letter, it has been recommended to cancel the registration of the committee and dismiss the management committee. According to District Minority Welfare Officer Krishna Murari, after the cancellation of the registration of the committee, the madrasa cannot be run at all.

The officer has claimed that this madrasa which prints fake notes will now be put on radar and surveillance and information about every activity here will be collected. According to the news, this illegal madrasa can be sealed in the coming days and bulldozer action can also be taken on it.

The accused used to print 100-100 rupee notes
Let us tell you that Prayagraj Police has exposed the gang that printed fake notes in a madrasa. This gang used to hide in a madrasa and carry out this illegal act. In this case, four accused including the acting principal of the madrasa, Maulvi Mohammad Tafseerul, have been arrested. These include the mastermind of the gang, Zahir Khan alias Abdul Zahir.

The principal had given the accused a room inside the madrasa, where fake notes were printed. This gang used to print fake notes of Rs. 100 each so that they could be easily circulated in the market. According to the police, the work of printing fake notes was going on in the madrasa for the last three months.

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