Pregnancy Health Tips Is It Unhealthy To Eat Mutton In Pregnancy

Pregnancy Tips: Pregnancy is such a condition in which women have to take necessary care of food and drink, because it is a delicate time. A little carelessness of the mother can also harm the child, that is why at this time the diet should be taken on the advice of the doctor. However, during this time mood swings, food cravings, changes in taste keep on happening. Once one likes the taste of something, he wants to eat it again and again. It is advised to take high protein diet, in such a situation, women pay more attention to eggs, meat and mutton, but out of these, egg and chicken are digestible but it is difficult to digest mutton, so the question is whether mutton in pregnancy Food is right.

disadvantages of eating mutton during pregnancy

According to the report of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, eating mutton during pregnancy can harm both the child and the mother studying in the womb. According to research, many women consume mutton during pregnancy, so they should eat mutton very carefully. Mutton should be fresh and well cooked. The report also states that consuming mutton or red meat at this time increases the risk of diabetes manifold. If mutton is eaten during this time, the blood sugar level in the body can increase, which increases the risk of diabetes manifold. If the mutton is not cleaned properly, then a bacteria called salmonella is formed in it, it causes poison in the body and Miscarriage can also happen

risk of listeriosis and toxoplasmosis
Apart from this, listeriosis is a type of infection that develops very quickly in the body if raw or undercooked or fresh meat is not eaten. Due to this, the child gets infected in utero or after birth. Apart from this, the risk of toxoplasmosis also increases and the child growing in the womb can also be harmed.

risk of food poisoning

If mutton is not eaten properly, cleaned and cooked properly, it risk of food poisoning Can increase. There is a bacteria called salmonella present in it, which can cause poisoning, so it is better to consult a doctor before consuming mutton during pregnancy and whenever you eat meat, eat it after cooking it well. do

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Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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