pregnant women attract more mosquitoes due to the greater body heat and metabolic rate

Mosquito Bites: If you have noticed, it happens many times that 2-3 people stand together but one of them is bitten the most by a mosquito. Whereas the mosquito does not even touch the people sitting nearby. Let us know the reason behind this. It is also said many times that mosquitoes bite pregnant women and obese people more. Through this article, we will know how much truth is there in this and also know which people are bitten the most by mosquitoes?

Many researches have revealed that if you wear light coloured clothes instead of dark clothes, the risk of mosquitoes is reduced. The Aedes mosquito that spreads dengue bites on the hands instead of the feet, while the malaria-spreading mosquito bites on the feet. Therefore, it is advisable to wear full clothes during monsoon. By wearing light coloured clothes, you can avoid the sight of mosquitoes.

Metabolic rate: It has been observed many times that the metabolic rate of a human also attracts mosquitoes. Carbon dioxide released from the body attracts mosquitoes a lot.

Why do mosquitoes bite more during pregnancy? A pregnant woman releases 20 percent more carbon dioxide than a normal person, which is why mosquitoes bite more. It is also said that during pregnancy, breathing releases more carbon dioxide from the lungs. Due to which mosquitoes can bite more. Many types of changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. That is, many types of hormonal changes occur in the body. Hormones create more metabolism and more heat in the body. Due to which the body temperature starts increasing. Due to the increase in body temperature, mosquitoes are attracted towards themselves.

Why do mosquitoes bite fat people?

People with ‘O’ blood group have a higher metabolic rate and hence mosquitoes are more attracted towards such people. Pregnant women and obese people have a higher metabolic rate due to which mosquitoes bite them more.

blood group: Mosquitoes bite people with a particular blood group more. Mosquitoes bite people with O blood group more.

Skin bacteria: Mosquitoes bite more due to skin bacteria. According to a recent study, mosquitoes prefer people with certain types of bacteria. People who have many types of bacteria on their skin are bitten more by mosquitoes.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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