Premanand ji maharaj vachan: Premanand Ji Maharaj is a great saint and thinker who explains and explains the true meaning of life. Premanand ji’s precious thoughts guide to improve life and maintain balance.
Premnand Ji Maharaj Ji believes that the life of a monk and saint is the main objective, soul attainment. They keep restraint first because the desire to attain divine and consultation is only when there is virtue life. If there is unholy life, arbitrary life, then the goal of attainment of consultation cannot be done.
The goal of attainment of consultancy is only fulfilled to the virtuous. One who removes his mind, the senses from the indulgence and puts it in the Lord, keeps the mind under control, keeps his character pure, the thoughts keep the thoughts pure. Even for a moment, without consultation, no other thought comes in the mind. At the same time, the monk is worthy of attaining divine. To bear the vigor made towards you, to bear the insult peacefully. The one who gives respect to the world, the hereafter, and themselves, get God in this birth.
One who contemplates the name of God with enthusiasm, chants the name of God, does fame as if thirsty has got water, thus chants the name of God. One who is chanting the name of God like nectar, is dancing, singing is a monk. Just as a drunk person has attachment to drunk, similarly the attachment of the monk is in his lord. He has attachment to say and listen to the character of God, be eager, if it is a symptom, then surely the ability to attain Bhagavata will come in us and love will come in his heart and this is the symptoms of a monk here.
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