Premi Paratha seller is famous here, 24 types of taste makes people crazy

Wasim Ahmed/Aligarh: Apart from Tala and Talim, Aligarh of Uttar Pradesh is also famous for special dishes. The paratha here is also very famous. 24 types of parathas are made at Prem Singh’s place in front of the cotton mill, ahead of Sarsaul intersection of the city, whose taste is very amazing. These parathas made of potatoes, onions, radish, paneer and dry fruits made with pure desi ghee are served with green chutney, raita and curd. This increases its taste doubly. The taste of parathas available at Prem Singh’s place is such that one feels like eating it again and again.

When Prem Singh, who came to Aligarh from Bulandshahr district for a job, did not feel like working, he decided that he should work on selling parathas. Prem Singh started making parathas in 1980. At that time the price of paratha was Rs. 1.25. But gradually people started liking paratha, after which paratha lovers became famous. The taste of paratha is such that even former Chief Minister Kalyan Singh came to his lover’s shop to eat this paratha. After this, the entire family of former Chief Minister Kalyan Singh became crazy about his parathas. Apart from his family, many famous personalities also come to his place to taste the paratha. After this, Prem Singh alias Premi Paratha seller increased the rate of Paratha from ₹ 300 to ₹ 400. Every day three types of vegetables are given with paratha. Also, raita and kheer are given free with paratha.

The journey of making parathas started from 1980
Giving information, Prem Singh alias Premi Paratha seller said that this paratha shop was started in 1980. In the initial days, parathas were made by placing them on a throne. After this, a wooden kiosk and an iron kiosk were made again. Then he took his own place at the cotton mill intersection and built a permanent shop. It has been almost 22 years since this happened. 24 types of parathas are prepared here, which people like very much. He is a resident of Talwar village of Bulandshahr district. Everyone in his family is in government job, except him.

Two parathas free for lifting 1 quintal tawa
Prem Singh alias Premi Paratha seller further explains that the spices used are prepared at home. For this reason people like parathas. In our place, the weight of the pan on which parathas are made is 1 quintal, 40 kg. Apart from this, we also have this offer that if someone lifts this pan, then two parathas are absolutely free for him.

Tags: Aligarh news, Local18

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