Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann diagnosed with Leptospirosis know about symptoms and causes

Chief Minister of Punjab Bhagwant Maan Has been admitted to Fortis Hospital in Mohali on Wednesday. Where many tests have been done on him in which serious infection like leptospirosis has been detected. The doctor has said that right now everything is stable and doses of antibiotics are being given. Bacterial infection, its symptoms, treatment and prevention have been explained in detail.

What is leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by Leptospira. Which is found in the feces of infected animals, especially pigs. Due to coming in contact with dirty water, soil or dirty food, this bacteria enters the human body and infects them. This disease is very common in tropical and subtropical regions. The virus spreads rapidly in hot, humid climates, especially after heavy rains or floods.

causes of leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is usually spread to humans through water or soil contaminated with the feces of infected animals. This disease spreads rapidly in rivers, lakes and flood plains also. Activities that can increase the risk of infection include swimming in contaminated water, farming, or getting bacteria into the body through tissue cuts, boils, or mucous membranes such as the eyes, nose, and mouth.

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Symptoms of Leptospirosis

Symptoms of leptospirosis can range from mild to severe. In some cases, the infection can lead to serious conditions such as kidney or liver problems, dementia and respiratory tract infections.

severe fever

Muscle pain. Especially severe pain in back and legs.

and vomit from stomach
stomach ache
red eyes
skin irritation

In severe cases, leptospirosis can lead to jaundice, organ failure and even death if not treated promptly.

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leptospirosis treatment

If you want to avoid leptospirosis, then start its treatment. For this you will have to get many tests done. Because symptoms can be similar to other diseases such as dengue or malaria, laboratory diagnosis is important. Common diagnostic tests for leptospirosis include.

Blood Test: To detect or confirm the presence of antibodies to Leptospira bacteria in the blood.

Toilet Test: Tests bacteria in urine.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction): A molecular test that can detect viral DNA.

Microscopic Adhesion Test (MAT): A test that was considered the gold standard for diagnosing leptospirosis.

Leptospirosis is treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline or penicillin, which are most effective in the early stages of the disease. Severe cases may require hospitalization for supportive care. Such as intravenous fluids, oxygen treatment or dialysis if the kidneys are affected. If you want to avoid this disease, you will have to take special care of cleanliness.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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