‘Put urine in your eyes, it will do wonders’, woman’s very strange claim, people shocked after hearing this!

There are different types of people in the world, who have their own lifestyle. If someone wants to live life according to Ayurvedic method, then there are some people who also rely on allopathic medicines and modern lifestyle. However, apart from this, many times people also say such things which boggle the mind.

You must have heard about Naturopathy. In this, people’s diseases are treated with natural things. However, a woman living in Spain has talked about urotherapy and made a strange claim. He claims that putting urine in the eyes like eyedrops will solve many of your problems.

put urine in the eyes every morning and evening
The woman has posted a video on TikTok and said that she pours urine in her eyes. Two drops of urine in the morning and evening are doing such wonders that the woman claims that the problem of myopia and astigmatism in her eyes has also gone away. Suama Friel has told that urine drops work better than traditional medicines. Chemicals can cause harm but urine can cure poor eyesight and other problems without any side effects. On hearing this, people were stunned.

Claims have been made earlier also regarding urine
Although it is not right to use such things without consulting a doctor, many people are seen telling such stories on social media. British naturopath John W. Armstrong described urine therapy in the beginning of the 20th century. He said that rubbing it on the face, gums and even drinking it was good for health. However, this is not considered a proven fact.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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