Ram Mandir float in New York City’s India Day parade stirs controversy anti-Muslim saying it should be removed from the event

New York Ram Mandir : There has been a controversy regarding the India Day Parade to be held on Sunday (August 18) in New York City, USA. Many organizations have opposed the Ram Mandir tableau to be included in it. Many organizations called it anti-Muslim and said that it should be removed from the program. This tableau depicts the Ram temple built in Ayodhya. The protesting organizations believe that the temple depicted in this tableau is built on top of a disputed mosque, so it has been criticized as anti-Muslim and demanded its removal. Regarding this, some American organizations have written a letter to New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York Governor Kathy Hochul, calling this tableau anti-Muslim and said that it glorifies the demolition of the mosque.

Federation of Indian rejected the allegations
The Indian American Muslim Council and other religious groups have demanded that the parade organizers remove the float. They say that Ram Mandir It is a symbol of the temple, which glorifies the demolition of the mosque and violence against Muslims in the South Asian country. At the same time, the organizers of the parade have rejected the demand to remove the tableau. They say that this tableau depicts a holy place important for crores of Hindus. Federation of Indian Associations Chairman Ankur Vaidya said in a statement that we reject the allegations of any kind of violence and hatred. It was not made by damaging any religious place. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America says that it represents a Hindu place of worship and aims to glorify the deity seen as an important part of Indian and Hindu identity. The Hindu American Foundation said that it is an attempt at freedom of expression. The association said that this parade represents the cultural diversity of India and will include tableaux from different communities.

There is no place for hate, the mayor said
At the same time, Mayor Eric Adams said in a press conference earlier this week that there is no place for hate. If there is a float or a person in the parade who is promoting hate, then they should not do so. Adams’ office later told AP that everyone has the right to freedom of expression under the US Constitution.

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