Ravi Pushya Nakshatra 2024 Gold bike Electronic gadget buying muhurat significance

Ravi Pushya Nakshatra 2024: In astrology, Pushya Nakshatra is considered very auspicious. In Rigveda, Pushya Nakshatra is said to be auspicious, bringer of growth and giver of happiness and prosperity. The lord of Pushya Nakshatra is Shani and the presiding deity is Brihaspati Dev.

Due to the influence of Saturn, the nature of this nakshatra is permanent or long-lasting. There is a very auspicious coincidence of buying gold, bike, electronic goods in June, know the date and auspicious time of Pushya nakshatra for shopping in June.

Importance of Ravi Pushya Nakshatra (Ravi Pushya Nakshatra Significance)

Pushya Nakshatra is as nutritious, beneficial and pleasing to the body and mind as fresh milk from the udder of a cow. In Hinduism, milk was compared to Amrit in Vedic culture. All the work started in Pushya Nakshatra is nourishing and fulfils all the wishes. The blessings of Goddess Lakshmi (Laxmi ji) remain with you. Purchasing any item provides permanent prosperity.

When is Ravi Pushya Nakshatra in 2024? (Pushya Nakshatra in June 2024)

On 9 June 2024, the conjunction of Ravi Pushya Nakshatra is being formed. It is considered auspicious for the commencement of all auspicious works. Pushya means to nourish and hence this nakshatra provides energy and power. The Indian goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi, was born in the Pushya Nakshatra. Due to Pushya Nakshatra falling on Sunday, it has the influence of Sun God. The work done in this nakshatra is successful.

Mother Lakshmi resides in the house

Pushya Nakshatra is considered to be a highly auspicious time for starting a new business, Puja, Havan, Homa, Bhumi Puja, auspicious work, signing of documents etc. According to the scriptures, along with new things, Lakshmi also comes to the house and stays there for a long time.

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