Ravivar Ke Upay Surya Mantra Benefits Power Effects

Ravivaar Mantra: Sunday is considered special for Surya Puja. It is believed that if you want to please the Sun God then there is no better day than Sunday. By the way, we should give water to the Sun God every morning as a regular rule. In the scriptures, Surya has been described as the guru of Bajrangbali. If you chant these mantras of Sun God on Sunday, then all your wishes will be fulfilled.

Chant these sun mantras on Sunday

  • Om Hree Hree Suryaya Namah.
  • Om Hree Hree Surya Sahasrakiranarai, the desired fruit of the body, the body is swaha.
  • Om Hree Ghrini: Surya Aditya: Clean Om.
  • Om Ghrnin Surya: Aditya.
  • ॐ ऐहि आही सूर्य सहस्त्रण्षो तेजो राशे जगत्पते, अनुकम्पयेमां भक्त्या, ग्रहाराण्घय दिवाकरः ।

It is believed that if you chant these mantras on Sunday, you will be blessed by the Sun God. Also, offering Arghya to the rising sun on Sunday after taking water in a copper pot and adding red flowers, vermilion, Akshat, sugar candy, gets rid of all the problems and also receives the special grace of Lord Sun. Sun is the soul of the world. And the doer has been considered. There are innumerable benefits by worshiping and reciting prayers to the Sun God on Sunday.

The person in whose horoscope the position of Sun is strong, he gets the benefit of respect. The fortune of that person shines like the sun and he gets success in every work. By worshiping the Sun on Sunday, the blessings of the Sun God remain.

On Sunday, many people take a bath before sunrise and offer water to the sun. It is said that those whose sun is strong, there are no problems in their life. By worshiping the Sun and chanting the Surya Mantra 108 times daily, a person definitely gets benefits. It is also said that one who worships Sun God and chants Surya Mantra every Sunday, his wishes are definitely fulfilled.

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