Republic Day 21 Gun Salute How many Cannons used in Ekees Topo Ki Salami Ceremony

Republic Day 21 Gun Salute How many Cannons used in Ekees Topo Ki Salami CeremonyRepublic Day 21 Gun Salute How many Cannons used in Ekees Topo Ki Salami Ceremony

21 topo ki saalami: Republic Day, Independence Day Whether or any other special opportunity, it is always custom to give 21 cannon salutes on these occasions. This tradition, which has been going on since the British era, is about 150 years old. Every year on the occasion of Republic Day, 21 cannon salutes are given with the tune of the national anthem. This time too, this tradition will be performed on the occasion of 26 January and the thunder of cannons will add to the celebration of Republic Day.

However, have you ever thought that how many cannons are used in 21 cannon salutes? How can the cannons that blow the enemy’s children, how do no one harm them at the time of salute? Who gives this salute and what is its entire process? We will tell you the answers to these questions.

Salute was first given in 1950 after independence

The tradition of 21 cannon salute in the history of the country is 150 years old and has been going on since the time of British rule. When the constitution of the country came into force after independence, for the first time on January 26, 1950, the first President Dr. Rajendra Prasad was given 21 cannons salmy. Actually, it is considered the highest military honor, which is given in honor of a particular person, foreign head and national festivals.

Meerut soldiers give salute

The salute of 21 cannons is always given by the soldiers of Uttar Pradesh Meerut. Actually, this salute gives only 1721 field battery personnel, headquartered in Meerut. There are 122 soldiers in this squad, who give 21 cannons salutes on special occasions like Republic Day.

How much can the cannons happen?

You must be thinking that in the salute of 21 cannons, only 21 cannons have been benefited, so it is not so. 8 cannons are used in this salute. During this time only 3-3 firing from 7 cannons are fired, the 8th cannon remains separate. Every cannon fire time is dyside. It starts with the tune of the national anthem and ends on it. That is, every ball is fired in 2.25 seconds and the entire salute process ends with the national anthem in 52 seconds. Real cannon balls are not used during this salute, they have special types of shells. They only have a voice, there is no harm.

Also read: On January 26, which state tableau parade will be included, know how it happens

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