Research: Does your child use the phone for more than 3 hours? If yes then definitely read this report

Thoracic spine pain: Mobile phone has become a part of our life. Don’t know how many times a day we look at our mobile phones. Today the time has come such that even a new born child becomes addicted to mobile phones in a few months. Today parents also give phones or tablets to their children to silence them. Doing this makes the child silent for some time, but due to this habit, many physical problems start developing in the children. It has been revealed in a research that the children who are engaged in mobile phone for a long time, problems of back pain, eye problems, bad posture, migraine etc. come quickly.

In a report published in the Scientific Journal, it has been revealed that the problem of back pain or bad posture in children comes due to the use of mobile phones for more than 3 hours. Usually, children run the smartphone lying down, due to which the problem of spinal cord is more. This study was done by Brazilian researchers who were funded by FAPESP. The study was focused on Thoracic Spine Pain (TSP). The thoracic spine is the back of the chest that extends from the neck and between the shoulder blades down to the waist. 1,628 children aged 14 to 18 took part in this survey, which included both boys and girls. It was revealed in this research that girls are more affected by TSP than boys.

Due to this big TSP’s trouble

Due to Corona, the children had to spend the last few years at home. In such a situation, he used the mobile phone fiercely. Due to this, there was an increase in the problem of TSP. The problem of TSP has become common now. About 15–35 percent of adults and 13–35 percent of children suffer from TSP.

Keep yourself healthy like this

-Exercise to avoid thoracic spine pain
-There are many postures or easy of yoga that can save you from this pain. Like- Butterfly Stretch, Overhead shoulder stretch etc.
– Use smartphone only when needed. If possible, definitely take a time gap. 

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