Research has revealed a strange thing, the workers who built the pyramids of Giza were given a special kind of poison

Pyramids are the most mysterious things in the history of the world. Although many revelations have been made about them, they are also full of controversy and need more revelations in the coming times. These are one of the most thrilling topics for historical researchers. Recently, a new study has revealed a new but sensational thing. Researchers have come to this conclusion. The workers who built the famous Giza pyramid complex in Egypt were poisoned with copper.

The study indicates that while working at the necropolis, workers were probably exposed to high amounts of copper, which may be the world’s first example of metal contamination or metal poisoning. The discovery of toxic copper in ancient soil also indicates a well-established tool-making industry during that time.

A team of geochemists from France’s Aix-Marseille University began drilling into the ground in 2019 at the 4,500-year-old port of Khufu. It is the oldest port still extant in the city and is close to the site of the pyramids of the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure.

Scientists used a special carbon dating technique. (Symbolic picture: Canva)

The scientists examined the collected samples using a technique called plasma-free spectrometry, which helps measure the levels of copper as well as other metals such as aluminium, iron and titanium. In a new study, the same team used carbon dating and reported that copper contamination began around 3265 BC, which means humans began using this technology 200 years earlier than previously thought.

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After 750 years, the contamination peaked and finally disappeared around 1000 BC. Speaking to EOS, Alain Véron, a faculty member at the University of Aix-Marseille in France, said that the copper levels were “5 to 6 times higher than what would be natural.” According to the researchers, the presence of copper also points to a thriving tool-making industry. The study further stressed that these tools were of paramount importance for the construction of the pyramid complex.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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