Rice, pulses, vegetables, bhujia, chokha, pickle, salad are available in Gumla for only Rs 50, know the location

Anant Kumar / Gumla. If you are looking for cheap and tasty food in Gumla, then reach Mama-Bhantu Hotel near Lalit Oraon Bus Stand of the city. Here you have a better option of cheap and tasty food. Simple food is served here at the rate of only 50 rupees per plate. It consists of rice, lentils, vegetables, bhujia, chokha, pickle, salad. The same plate is served with chicken for Rs.70. At the same time, Arva rice is fed for 60 rupees. The specialty of the shop is that food is served here on Sakhua leaves.

The owner of the shop, Vinayak Kumar Chaurasia, said that this hotel has been operating since 2008 at Gumla’s bus stand. Here Mutton Pachauni is Rs.70 a quarter and a full plate is Rs.280. Fish is available at the rate of Rs.30 per piece, chicken at Rs.30 per piece, egg curry at Rs.20 per piece, paneer at the rate of Rs.160 per plate. The hotel opens daily at 7:00 am. After this the preparation is started. Food is served from 9 am to 5 pm. About 200-250 people come here daily to have food.

Most of the people coming to the bus stand reach the shop to have food. Apart from this, the operator and staff of the bus also come to visit. Customer Mir Tareef Hussain told that dal, rice, salad, pickle, bhujia, vegetables etc. are served here for just Rs.50. One piece is served with chicken for Rs.70. The food is pure as well as tasty. Along with this, special care is also taken for cleanliness.

Tags: food 18, Korba News, Local18

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