rising blood sugar level in diabetes can be controlled by many things read full article in hindi

Most of the time when a diabetic patient remains on an empty stomach, his blood sugar level becomes very high. Your eating habits and lifestyle are also considered responsible for this. High blood sugar in diabetes is called hyperglycemia, in which blood sugar starts increasing rapidly. This happens when the body does not produce enough insulin or does not respond properly to insulin.

Diabetes patients should drink this special drink

In such a situation the sugar level becomes high. You can control it by taking medicines and diet as per the doctor’s advice. However, some home remedies also prove to be effective in controlling blood sugar in diabetes, in which cinnamon is considered important. Blood sugar level can be controlled by consuming cinnamon.

Cinnamon controls sugar. You will find cinnamon in most homes. Consuming cinnamon helps in controlling blood sugar. For this, mix a pinch of cinnamon powder in a glass of milk before sleeping at night. By drinking this milk your blood sugar level will remain under control to a great extent. You can make cinnamon a part of your diet in some other way also. How does cinnamon work in diabetes?

A report published in the National Library of Medicine has also revealed that uncontrolled sugar can be controlled by the consumption of cinnamon. Cinnamon proves beneficial for diabetic patients. Especially its good effect has been seen on fasting sugar. Some patients were given 1 gram of cinnamon for 3 months and found that their fasting blood sugar levels reduced by 17 percent.

Benefits of cinnamon are not only for sugar but cinnamon proves to be effective in many diseases. Consuming cinnamon reduces obesity. It is considered good for weight loss. Cinnamon is also used to reduce high cholesterol. For this, consume cinnamon in the morning. Soak cinnamon in a glass of water overnight. Drink this water in the morning. This will increase your slow metabolism and also reduce your weight.

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