Risk of life in the pursuit of romance, couple’s dinner hanging in the air, whoever saw the video will be scared!

There are many things in the world which we do not do out of fear. However, in everyone’s life there is one person who has to do every work which gives him a very close to death experience. He is always ready for an adventure that involves a lot of risk. However, this is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Next time if someone asks you the name of adventure, then give him the address of this restaurant, which we are going to tell you. In the name of adventure, a couple went to have dinner at a place where you cannot even imagine going. The video of this place is currently trending on social media because people are unable to understand why anyone would risk their life to eat pizza or any other dish.

Photoshoot or madness?
In the video going viral, you can see that it looks like a photoshoot. A couple’s dinner table is being placed on a wire in the air. All this is being done on a wire hanging over a deep ditch. Even tables, chairs and food are hanging in the air, while boys and girls are also sitting on them. This looks quite dangerous.

People commented on the video
The video going viral has been shared on social media with an account named avioneta_divertida. The video has been viewed by more than 61 million people, while millions of people have also liked it. Commenting on this, people have called it madness and advised not to play with dangers.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral video news, Viral Video on Social Media

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