Robot Helped A Woman In Conceiving Baby Here Is How It All Happened Robots Baby

Robots Helping in Conceiving Baby: Now the help of robots is being taken to give birth to children. Yes, it is true. You must be finding it a bit strange to hear, but now it is possible. A Spanish medical institution took the help of a robot to give birth to a child and now the woman has given birth to two healthy children. Know what is the whole thing after all.

this is the case

People whose child cannot be born on their own take the help of IVF technique. This is an expensive and long process. In this, a human egg ie sperm is fertilized with sperm in a laboratory and then placed in the uterus. Till now this work is done by humans only. That is, this whole process was done under the supervision of doctors only. But now in the coming time, robots will do this work. In fact, a Spanish medical institution used a robot to insert sperm into a woman’s womb and complete the IVF process. To control the robot, the help of Play Station 5’s gaming console was taken. With the help of the robot, the woman conceived and has now given birth to two healthy children.

Robots will help a lot in future

According to the data of NHS, the total cost of IVF treatment comes around 5 lakhs, which not everyone can afford, as well as there is no guarantee of having a child with IVF technique. However, due to this, the chances of conceiving a woman increase as compared to normal. Because this is a long process, its cost is very high and many people do not get IVF done due to the fear of this. But now soon with the help of robots, this cost can be reduced and the cost of IVF can be affordable in future. Not only medical, but in the coming times, robots will help humans in every field and are going to make many tasks easier and cheaper.

In a report published in the Scientific Journal PLOS ONE, it has been told that in the coming 10 years, about 39% of household chores will be done by robots and in the next 5 years, 27% automation will be seen.

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