RRB Paramedical Recruitment 2024 for 1376 Posts Registration From 17 August Till 16 September indianrailways.gov.in Indian Railway Jobs

RRB Paramedical Recruitment 2024 for 1376 Posts Registration From 17 August Till 16 September indianrailways.gov.in Indian Railway JobsRRB Paramedical Recruitment 2024 for 1376 Posts Registration From 17 August Till 16 September indianrailways.gov.in Indian Railway Jobs

India Railway Paramedical Recruitment 2024: Railway Recruitment Board has announced another recruitment. Under this, eligible candidates will be appointed on paramedical posts. The notice for these recruitments has been released yesterday i.e. on 5th August but the registration link is not open yet. Those candidates who have the required qualification and desire to apply can apply in the prescribed format after the application link opens. We are sharing the important details related to these recruitments here.

How many posts will be recruited

A total of 1376 posts will be recruited through this recruitment drive. These vacancies are for different posts like – Dietitian, Clinical Psychologist, Dental Hygienist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, ECG Technician, Field Worker, Optometrist Technician, Radiographer, Technician, Laboratory Assistant etc.

Note down important dates

Notice has been released for these RRB recruitments but the application link is available here. 17 August 2024 The last date to apply for these posts will be 16 September 2024 Keep checking the website from time to time to get further information about this.

Take note of useful websites

Applications for paramedical posts of Railway Recruitment Board can be made online only. To do this, you have to visit the official website of Indian Railways indianrailways.gov.in You have to go to. After the application link opens, you can fill the form from here.

How will the selection be done

Selection for these posts will be done through examination, the date of which has not been released yet. It is only mentioned in the form that the examination can be conducted in the last week of November. Admit cards will be released about 10 days before the examination. To know the date of computer based test, you can visit the website mentioned above from time to time.

Candidates who pass the CBT exam will have to appear for the document verification round. After this, there will be a medical test. The selection of candidates who pass all three stages will be final.

Who can apply

The educational qualification and age limit for applying to these posts is different according to the post. You will have to see its details in the notice given on the website. Broadly speaking, candidates who have done graduation or diploma in the relevant subject can apply.

For example, for the post of Dietician, candidates having B.Sc. Science, Diploma in Dietetics or M.Sc. Home Science Food and Nutrition can apply whose age limit is between 18 to 33 years. Similarly, for the post of Optometrist, candidates having B.Sc. in Optometry, Diploma in Ophthalmic Technician whose age limit is between 18 to 33 years can apply. Similarly, educational qualification and age limit is different for all the posts. For some posts like Nursing Superintendent and Perfusionist, candidates up to 43 years will also be considered eligible to apply.

How much salary will you get

On being selected for these posts, the candidate will get salary according to the post. The salary for the posts of Nursing Superintendent and Perfusionist is Rs 44900 per month. Apart from this, the salary for most of the posts is Rs 35400 per month. Apart from this, the salary according to the post ranges from ₹ 29000 to ₹ 25000 and the lowest is Rs 19900.

How much fee will have to be paid

To apply for these posts, general category candidates will have to pay a fee of ₹500. Out of this, ₹400 will be refunded when they appear in the CBT i.e. Computer Based Test. This fee is for General and OBC category, while SC, ST, Ex-Serviceman, Women and EWS category candidates will have to pay ₹250 and all of them will be refunded the full 250 rupees after appearing in the CBT.

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