Saliva Test: You will know the exact time of conception, know what is saliva test

Becoming a mother is no less than a golden dream coming true for every woman and to find out this happiness, women either find out by doing a urine test at home or go to the doctor and get sonography done or pregnancy test is done through blood test. But these days, on the lines of Covid-19 test, saliva based pregnancy test is being done, through which positive and negative pregnancy can be easily detected. So let us tell you today about saliva based pregnancy test.

What is a saliva pregnancy test

In 2016, a startup was started at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, named Selignostix. After 6 years of hard work, this startup created a kit in 2022 through which any woman can easily test pregnancy through her saliva. This company conducted this test on 300 women, including normal women and pregnant women. After the success of this research, this kit is being made available in Israel. Along with this, this kit has also been approved in Britain and Ireland.

How does this kit work

Experts have said that women can easily use this kit and can detect pregnancy in a few seconds. For this, one of the strips given in it has to be kept in the mouth, then it has to be removed and put in a tube, through which pregnancy can be detected. This is an easy way to do a pregnancy test, which also has no side effects.

These are the ways pregnancy tests are conducted in India

Currently this saliva pregnancy test kit is not available in India. Till now strip pregnancy kit is available in India, which can detect pregnancy through urine. It is 99% accurate. Apart from this, cup pregnancy kit is also available in the market and pregnancy can also be detected through sonography and blood test.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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