Sanjay Singh Gangwar up minister says cowshed can cure cancer know what is the connection between cow and cowshed

Uttar Pradesh Minister Sanjay Singh Gangwar has made a strange claim, Sanjay Singh had recently arrived in Pilibhit to inaugurate a cow shed., Where he gave a statement that cancer can be cured by lying in the cowshed and cleaning it., He also said that rubbing hands on cow dung reduces blood pressure., Addressing the gathering, Gangwar further said that ,If someone is suffering from blood pressure, there are cows here, he should caress the cow’s back in the morning and evening and serve it., If the person is on blood pressure medicine 20 If you are taking mg dosage 10 blood pressure in days 10 will be reduced to mg, This is absolutely tested,

Sanjay Singh did not stop here, He further said that ,If a cancer patient starts cleaning the cow shed, If you start lying in it, even cancer will be cured., If you burn cow dung cakes, you get relief from mosquitoes., Whatever a cow produces is useful in some way or the other., This statement of Sanjay Singh has created a stir, In such a situation, let us know whether this really happens and whether cleaning the cow shed cures cancer., let us know,

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what does science say,

Cancer is a serious disease, which is caused by abnormal growth in body cells, this different,is different, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, Etcetera. Cancer treatment can be expensive and painful, including chemotherapy, Including radiotherapy and surgery, Despite this, people seek alternative medicine, in which ayurveda, Homeopathy and natural remedies include,

The scientific community and medical experts completely reject these claims., Cancer is a complex disease for which no single treatment has yet been found., cancer treatment surgery, Chemotherapy, done by various methods like radiotherapy and immunotherapy, which are based on scientific studies and research,

Why Are These claims baseless,

In fact, no scientific study has yet proved that cow dung or lying in a cowshed can cure cancer., Apart from this, cancer is a complex disease which has many types., It depends on many factors such as heredity, Affected by environment and lifestyle, Moreover, these claims are often based on superstition and misinformation, Also according to scientific method, Any claims must be proven through scientific studies and tests,

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Dangerous Result

People may delay their treatment by believing such claims., Due to which their illness may become serious, Additionally, these claims may reduce public confidence in scientifically proven treatments.,

optional Treatment And Ayurveda

Some people associate these claims with alternative medicine or Ayurveda., Although, Some methods of alternative medicine can be used with conventional medicine, But they should never be considered as the main treatment, It is important to consult a doctor before starting any alternative treatment.,

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