Sarcoma: In which parts of the body is there the highest risk of sarcoma tumor spreading? Let’s know its symptoms

According to the ‘World Health Organization’, sarcoma tumors can be divided into more than 100 types. Sarcomas are different types of tumors that form in the mesenchymal layer of the body. Therefore, along with developing in the bone, they also start forming in soft tissues. About one percent of tumors in young people and 10 percent of tumors in children are sarcomas. 

What is sarcoma?

Sarcoma is a cancer characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread to different parts of the body. The type of sarcoma may vary according to age. For example, bone sarcoma is more common in children and young adults. While in adults, sarcoma of the back of the abdomen is more common.

Sarcoma can have many causes:

Genetic syndromes such as neurofibromatosis and Li-Framini

If you have had radiation exposure before

Chronic irritation


Human herpes virus which is called Kaposi sarcoma.

What does sarcoma look like and to which parts of the body does it spread?

When this disease occurs, a lump starts forming in the patient’s body. It does not cause pain but if its size grows, the pain can increase a lot. Due to this, changes also start occurring in the skin. It also causes fever. Most of its tumors occur in the thighs, stomach and groin. But it also starts spreading to other parts of the body including head and neck. The tumor also starts spreading to the lungs.

How does sarcoma spread in the body?

Sarcoma can occur in any part of the body. But most often it occurs in the hands or feet. These tumors are found especially in children. The initial symptoms of sarcoma include a lot of swelling, lumps or tumors that are new and change the structure and form of the body. Due to which many types of changes occur in the body. In the initial symptoms, sarcoma can appear in the form of swelling, which gradually starts emerging in large numbers. 

Sarcomas in the abdomen or tissues may take longer to be diagnosed. Sarcomas are often diagnosed late. Sarcoma tumors are very painful.  Sarcomas of the abdomen may cause abdominal pain, and large tumors may change the color of the overlying skin or cause sores that do not heal. If the tumor spreads to the lungs, symptoms such as shortness of breath or blood in the sputum may occur.

To identify sarcoma, some preliminary tests will have to be done. For this, first of all, the patient’s history will be examined along with X-ray, CT, MRI and PET scan tests. 

Treatment of sarcoma disease

The treatment of sarcoma disease depends on its stage. It is treated through surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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