Sawan Kanwar Yatra 2024 Shiv Ji Jalabhishek know the importance of Kawad as per Shastarth

Sawan Kanwar Yatra 2024 Shiv Ji Jalabhishek know the importance of Kawad as per ShastarthSawan Kanwar Yatra 2024 Shiv Ji Jalabhishek know the importance of Kawad as per Shastarth

Kanwar Yatra 2024: The Kanwar Yatra takes place in the month of Shravan which is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Kanwariyas (Shiv devotees) carry a Kanwar filled with Gangajal on their shoulders and go towards the Shiv temple and perform Jalabhishek on the Shivling.

If you see, our Shudra brothers/sisters celebrate this festival with the most joy and enthusiasm, other castes also celebrate this festival but Shudra brothers and sisters celebrate it with the most enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Let us know whether the description of Kanwar Yatra is also found in our scriptures?

The description of Kanwar Yatra is found in Anand Ramayana, Sar Kand 10.183-186.

Anand Ramayan Essence Chapter 10, Canto No. 183–186

Mamaitadvachanam shrutva prasano raghunayakah.
Jagad snatava setubandhe ramesham paripashyati ॥183॥

Sankalpa Niyoto Bhootva Grihitva Setuvalukam.
Karan Dikabhiryatnen Gatva Varanasi Shumam.184.

Kshiptva taa baluam tyaktya venyaam balukarandikaam.
अनिय गंगासलिलं रामेशमभिशिच्य च ॥185॥

Samudre tykattadbhaaro brahma prapnotyasamshayam.
Ganga Ramesh Nagamishyati without resolution ॥186॥

the meaning is– O Parvati! On hearing this statement of mine, Shri Ram became happy and said that the person who takes bath in Setuband and visits Rameshwar Shiva, then with firm resolve will keep the sand of the bridge in a Kaanvad and with love and care will take it to Kashi and put it in the flow of Ganga and leaving that Kaanvad there, will bring Ganga water in another Kaanvad and will anoint Rameshwar with it, there by throwing that Kaanvad in the sea also, he will undoubtedly attain Brahmapad. Till there is firm resolve, one will not have to come to Rameshwar.

Why do we keep the Kaanvad only on the shoulder and not on the head?

Ganga water is filled in the Kanwad which can be offered only to Lord Shiva. If the Kanwad is kept on the head then it is possible that the Ganga water may drip on the Kanwadia’s head and according to beliefs, the entire Ganga water may anoint the Shivling.

This festival is mostly celebrated in the northern states. But now many people celebrate it in the south as well, because its initial concept started from Rameshwaram.

read this also: Kanwar Yatra 2024: This Kanwar Yatra is the most difficult, know the types, rules and importance of Kanwar Yatra

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