Science also accepted that the snake which churned the ocean, Vasuki, lived in India only.

You must have seen the churning of the ocean in serials. In which gods and demons are seen churning the ocean with a huge snake, so that nectar can be obtained. In the religious scriptures, that snake has been called Nag Vasuki snake. Till now science has considered these things only imaginary. But for the first time, scientists have found evidence that the snake Vasuki was present on Earth. Not only this, it was found in India. It was so huge that its length was equal to a big bus.

In the report published in Scientific Reports Journal, scientists have claimed that Nag Vasuki snake was present in India 47 million years ago. Not only this, it was the longest snake roaming on earth, which lived in marshy places. Its length was between 36 feet to 50 feet. Evidence of its existence has been found near a coal mine in India. The weight of this python snake was about one ton. In scientific language it is called Vasuki Indicus. It cannot chase its prey quickly and is not poisonous. Cambridge University paleontologist Jason Head said, this snake was found when the earth’s temperature was extremely hot. The blood of this snake was very cold, due to which it could easily survive even in extremely hot temperatures.

Fossils of Vasuki, the sea-churning serpent, have been found in India (Photo_AP)

Use of snake in churning nectar
Research also confirmed that the snake which was used in the churning of Amrit Manthan was found in India only. Actually, IIT Roorkee scientist and research team member Debjit Dutta said, scientists have named Vasuki Indicus after the serpent Vasuki, considered the king of snakes. Vasuki snake was always wrapped around the neck of Lord Shiva. Dutta told that the bone fragments of this snake were found by research team member Sunil Bajpai in Western India in 2005. Researchers studied more than 20 fossilized vertebrae in the skeletons of living snakes to determine Vasuki’s size.

This snake was 40.5 feet long
According to Dutta, examination of the bones of Tyrannosaurus Rex revealed that this snake was 40.5 feet long. Even though it was not as huge as a dinosaur, it was many times longer than the largest snakes on earth. Fossils of many other creatures were found near where the snake was found, including catfish, turtles, crocodiles and ancient whales. This tells that Vasuki snake must have survived by eating all this. Vasuki snake was the king of snakes. Who used to make a throne by wrapping his huge body all day long and kept his head at the highest point. It kept moving slowly in this posture. Earlier, Titanoboa snake was considered to be the longest, which was 42 feet and lived in Colombia 60 million years ago.

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