Scientists claim, aliens can settle on planets by riding asteroids, method to find them explained

The research of two scientists has given an interesting theory on how aliens can find us humans. This theory suggests that extraterrestrial aliens may hitch a ride on meteors to settle on other planets. Now researchers have also told how to identify them. He has released a roadmap on this. This fringe theory, called panspermia, suggests that alien life could spread from one planet to another by riding on meteors.

It is believed that there are about 5,000 planets outside our solar system where life forms other than us are most likely to exist. And if they are, they may travel to other planets and try to capture or settle there. The problem is that to identify such life forms we need to know what they are looking for. New research could help us detect alien life, even if we don’t know what they’re looking for, Live Science reports.

Such a life can change the earth
Given that life on other planets may be completely different from carbon-based life on Earth, these two researchers have drawn up a road map that looks not only at what alien life might look like, but also at how things might look on Earth. How will it change? Perhaps most important, extraterrestrial life may have the potential to alter Earth’s natural balance, as astronauts attempt to recreate the atmospheric conditions found on their home planet.

It is believed that aliens will visit other planets only for some special reason. (Symbolic photo: Pixabay)

How can it be identified?
Researchers can measure this by a statistical test that observes a single planet, which is unrelated and separate from a group of planets with similar characteristics. If these individual planets have similar characteristics to those of the cluster, it means that alien life has visited it and begun colonizing, or at least something strange is happening in space. It will also identify potentially new life forms, without making any assumptions about how that particular life form works or functions.

Also read: Even in the 17th century, people thought about aliens, scientists also believed that there might be life somewhere else too!

This research is yet to be peer reviewed. The research has its limitations because its research requires a large amount of information on exoplanets. NASA has confirmed that there are at least 5,000 exoplanets, and this number is constantly growing.

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