Scientists Found A Fish Having 24 Eyes In Hong Kong It Is A Jellyfish Species

Fish With 24 Eyes: Many types of creatures live on the earth. Some live on the earth, some inside the earth and many living beings live in the water in the oceans. Still don’t know how many such creatures will be there on the earth, with whom humans have not been able to come face to face yet. Similarly, there will be thousands of species of animals in the ocean, which we have not even seen yet. However, scientists have identified many species and have also investigated them thoroughly. When a new organism is found, the process of investigation starts like this. In this sequence, now a fish has been found in Hong Kong, seeing which even the scientists themselves are surprised.

More research is going on now

According to the report of Mirror, scientists of Hong Kong Baptist University have found such a fish of Jellyfish species, which has surprised everyone with its texture. The team of researchers in association with Ocean Park Hong Kong, University of Manchester and WWF-Hong Kong has started further research on this.

Size less than 1 inch and eyes are 24

Scientists say that this creature belongs to the jellyfish family. The most surprising thing about this is that the size of this fish is less than 1 inch. Despite this, this fish has 24 eyes. There are total 3 tentacles in the body of the fish and 24 eyes.

The fish was named Tripedalia

These eyes are in 4 groups of 6-6. There is a set of 6-6 eyes in the sensory depression present on each belly side of the fish. Each group has lenses in only 2 eyes. Only light is sensed by the rest of the eyes. According to Professor Q, this is a unique fish. According to Q, this type of box jellyfish is also found in Florida, Singapore, Jamaica, India and Australia. There are a total of 49 species of them in the world.

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