Scientists found a new galaxy, that too without stars, it was also discovered in a strange way

Many times scientists see things in the universe that challenge their previous knowledge. Whenever scientists see something strange in the universe or in space. So they first try to interpret it based on their available information and then test it and try to confirm their results. But sometimes some discoveries surprise even more. In one such discovery, astronomers have come to know about a galaxy which does not have a single star.

This strange galaxy is at a distance of 27 crore light years from Earth and scientists have named it J0613+52. And it seems to challenge the traditional definition of a galaxy because there is no star in this galaxy or at least not a single one is visible in it.

Then why is it a galaxy? The answer to this is that this huge body is filled with interstellar gas, that is, this galaxy is not empty at all, it just does not contain star-like bodies, whereas if the stars are removed from a galaxy, then it also behaves like a galaxy. Is

Scientists say that this galaxy must have been formed in the beginning of the universe. (Symbolic photo: Shutterstock)

The team of researchers, led by Karen O’Neill, an astrophysicist at Green Bank Observatory, says that this is the first such galaxy that has been discovered in the known universe and it is a primordial galaxy. This galaxy is mostly made of gases and it must have been formed in the early times of the universe.

Its discovery also happened in a strange way. It was discovered accidentally when the Green Bank Telescope started looking in a different direction without any intention. Researchers say that stars may be here, we may not be able to see them. The observatory was searching for a galaxy with low brightness but due to some wrong typing, the direction of the telescope changed and this galaxy was visible to the scientists.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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