Search customer care number online? Must read this report, this is how a big game is happening

As technology is changing with time, scammers are making people their victims by adopting new methods. Scammers are adopting such methods today that it is difficult for common people to identify whether they are really talking to officials or to a fake person. Meanwhile, cyber security firm Cloudsec has released a new report in which it has been told that the maximum number of fake numbers in India have been registered in West Bengal. XVigil, CloudSec’s AI-powered digital risk protection platform, analyzed over 20,000 fake numbers, out of which the maximum number i.e. 23% were registered in West Bengal. 

This sector is being targeted

Fake numbers being circulated from this platform

Cloudsec told in its report that about 88% fake numbers are being circulated through Facebook. About 6.2 percent numbers are reaching people through Twitter. Means scammers are targeting people through social media and stealing personal information by taking advantage of their problems.

Keep this in mind

Actually, most of us do this work that when a product or service reaches them badly, they immediately search for the customer care number on Google and call the number which appears at the top and talk to the person in front. Start sharing your information. Hackers change the number written on Google from where they target people. Many times people trust the number coming on social media apps and expect to get solution to their problem from there and from here again fraud starts with them.

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