Shafaq Naaz Talked About Her Brother Sheezan Khan Situation In Jail After Tunisha Sharma Suicide | How was Sheezan Khan’s condition in jail after Tunisha’s suicide? Sister Shafaq Naaz said

Shafaq Naaz On Sheezan Khan: TV actress Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case accused Sheezan Khan has been released on bail. Sheejan was in jail for the last 70 days. These 70 days were no less than a punishment for his mother and sisters as well. Sheejan’s family was counting the days for his release. When the actor got bail and came out of jail, his sisters and mother came to receive him and they were in tears on seeing Sheejan. Now Shafak Naaz has shared his feelings on the release of his brother.

Shafak spoke on brother’s release

Shafak Naaz is also a well-known TV actress, who got limelight as Kunti of ‘Mahabharat’. After Sheejan went to jail, his and his family’s life had become hell. Now the actress has expressed her heart in a conversation with Indian Express. Shafak said, “We have waited a lot. Now we can touch her, hug her, it means a lot to us. When we used to visit him during jail, we could only see him through the glass window and talk through an intercom. At that moment I just wanted to bring her home.”

how was sheejan’s condition

Shafak told that after Sheejan’s arrest, his life came to a standstill. The actress said, “Our world came to a standstill on 24 December (the day of Tunisha’s suicide and Sheejan’s arrest). I think the world has moved on, but we haven’t. Sheejan has gone through the worst phase. I don’t think he even got time to process things because everything happened so quickly, he was in jail away from all of us. He is such a strong guy, who handles everything with patience. It affected him, but he stood firm. At present he is at home peacefully. We all have had a lot of patience. Thank the almighty that he is with us today.

Please tell that Sheejan was in a relationship with the late actress Tunisha. The actress’s mother had alleged that Tunisha had ended her life because of the breakup with Sheejan.

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