Shani dev know power of Saturn these astrological significance and effect on people life

Shani Dev: Shani Maharaj is the elder son of Surya Dev. That is why he is called Suryaputra. He is the lord of Anuradha Nakshatra. Shani Dev is such a deity who gives proper justice to every creature, human beings and even gods.

What is the power of Shani Dev?

There is a story in Kashi Khand of Skanda Purana in which Shani Dev says to his father Surya, “O father! I want to attain such a position which no one has attained till date. My circle should be seven times bigger than your circle, I should get seven times more power than you, no one should be able to withstand my speed, be it a god, demon, devil or a perfect seeker. My world should be seven times higher than your world. After this, the second boon I want is that I should get the darshan of my beloved god Lord Krishna and I should be full of devotion, knowledge and science.”

Hearing such words from Shani, Surya became happy and said- “Son! I also want that you become seven times more powerful than me and I should not be able to bear your influence. But for this you will have to do penance in Kashi. Go there and do penance of Lord Shiva and establish Shivling. By this Lord Shiva will be pleased and will definitely give you the desired result.

As per the advice of Surya, Shani Dev did the same. He performed severe penance of Lord Shiva and established a Shivling. This Shivling is currently famous by the name of Kashi Vishwanath. Lord Shiva was pleased with the penance of Shani and he received the desired fruits from Shiva.

Also, Lord Shiva gave Shani Dev the highest position among the planets. According to religious beliefs, Shani got the position of the god of justice from Lord Shiva. Shani became powerful after getting this blessing and boon from Lord Shiva.

According to Shani Mahatmya, Shloka 138

“The speed of the karma is like a jewel, which never fails to attain glory,
Te Te Bhogalya Vina Sutena, Devadhika Sarvansi.”

Meaning: The movement of karma is like a gem, what has to happen will happen,
No one can escape from his actions, neither man, nor animal nor god.

Is there a need to be afraid of Shani Dev?

Shani Dev is called the giver of karma and the punisher, who gives results according to the deeds. Shani Dev gives good results for good deeds and at the same time punishes for bad deeds. In such a situation, people who do bad deeds have to suffer the consequences of their deeds. This is the reason why everyone is afraid of Shani Dev.

But not everyone needs to fear Shani Dev. Rather, only those who do bad deeds, harass others, trouble animals, exploit the poor and laborers, rob, insult the elderly and are involved in bad deeds should fear Shani Dev.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on beliefs and information only. It is important to mention here that Any kind of belief or information is not confirmed. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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