Shani Upay To Reduce Negative Effects Saturday Astro Remedies

Shani Remedy: In astrology, Saturn is considered a cruel planet. In most cases the sight of Saturn is considered very inauspicious. When Saturn’s sight falls in inauspicious houses in a person’s horoscope, he may have to face the cruel sight of Saturn.

The cruel sight of Saturn brings many difficulties, obstacles, and struggles in life. By trying some remedies of Saturn, one can be saved from his cruel glance and inauspicious measures. Know about it.

Do these things to avoid the cruel sight of Shani (Shani Upay To Reduce Negative Effects)

  • To avoid the cruel eyes of Shani Dev, one should worship him regularly. Keep fast on Saturday. On this day, recite Shani Chalisa and offer him oil, black sesame seeds and blue flowers.
  • Hanuman ji is considered to be the pain killer of Shani Dev. By worshiping Hanuman ji, the effect of Saturn’s cruel glance is reduced. Recite Hanuman Chalisa every morning and offer vermilion and fruits.
  • After taking bath in the morning on Saturday, water should be offered to Peepal tree. Circumambulate it seven times. Lighting a lamp on the Peepal tree after sunset brings blessings of Shani Dev.
  • Shani Dev is pleased by helping the poor and needy. Do charity regularly and help the needy. On Saturday, items related to planet Saturn like whole urad, iron, oil, sesame seeds, black clothes should be donated.
  • On Saturday, bread should be fed to a black dog and a black cow and grains should be fed to a black bird. It is believed that this removes Shani Dosha and all the bad things start getting done.
  • On Saturday, flour should be fed to ants and grains to fishes. Through this also one gets the blessings of Shani Dev. With this remedy of Shani Dev one also gets promotion in job.
  • It is important to be patient and think positive while facing the cruel sight of Saturn. Avoid negative thoughts and keep moving towards your goals diligently.

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