She was the world’s oldest virgin woman, she was more than a hundred years old

Virginity is talked about in our society in many ways, but it all happens gradually. Because those who speak openly about it are not considered cultured. At the same time there was a woman in this world, Clara Meadmore, who talked about her virginity in an interview given on her 107th birthday and it was read and heard all over the world. She had told how she had decided in her childhood that she would always remain a virgin. She even said about her longevity that she lived so long because she never had sex with anyone in her life. Relationship

When Clara Meadmore is asked in this interview why she chose to remain a virgin for the rest of her life? So she replied by saying that earlier people thought that I am a homosexual, so I am not attracted to any man or have sex with anyone. However, this was not the case. He said that I had made up my mind since childhood that I would never marry anyone nor would I make any relation with anyone. Explaining the reason behind this, she said that I did not want my heart to be broken or to face problems arising out of relationships for the rest of my life.

Died at 108 p>

Clara Meadmore died in the year 2011 when she was 108 years old. However, his life was very interesting. Clara Meadmore was born in Glasgow in October 1903, two years after the death of Queen Victoria. When she was just seven, her family moved to Egypt and later to Canada and then New Zealand, but by the time she was in her 20s, she decided to move back to the UK on her own and earned enough money to . Upon arriving in the UK, Meadmore decided that she would not marry and live life on her own terms, so she decided to work several jobs.

While other young girls her age were going out to parties, Going on dates and getting married, Meadmore spent all her time pursuing her work and her hobbies. His hobbies were taking long walks, listening to his favorite radio station, reading books, gardening as well as cooking. Whenever she felt lonely, she used to entertain herself by going to fitness classes. When Clara Meadmore died at the age of 108, she was the world’s oldest surviving virgin.

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