Shingles Symptoms Is A Serious Eye Disease To Be Aware Of

Shingles In Eye: Eyes are the most sensitive part of the body. There is a lot of trouble in the eyes when there is a slight problem. Herpes in the eyes is called Shingles. It is a type of ringworm. Generally, if there is ringworm in other parts of the body, it also bothers. But if herpes occurs around the eye or in the eye, then the situation becomes serious. Doctors say that there is no need to be negligent about the eyes. Let’s try to know what is herpes in the eyes i.e. Shingles? And how can it harm the eyes.

Virus can survive in the body for decades

Shingles is seen in medical language as blistering rashes. It can develop all over the body. But in some cases it is seen on the face or only on the eyes. This disease is caused by varicella-zoster virus. This causes chickenpox. Chickenpox gets cured after a while. But this virus remains in the body of a person for decades. And later emerges in the form of ringworm.

These shingles are called by this name

Doctors say that it is very bad to have ringworm anywhere on the body. But if ringworm occurs around the eyes, the situation becomes very serious. Herpes around the eyes and in the eyes are called herpes zoster keratitis and herpes zoster ophthalmicus.

Be sure to recognize these symptoms

Shingles in the eyes, burning and pain, redness-itching in the eyes, continuous watering of the eyes, burning sensation in the eyes, the burning sensation does not go away even after washing the face. People start rubbing it when the irritation is high. This makes the problem worse. If the patient has keratitis (herpes in the front area of ​​the eye), it can lead to numbness of the cornea which can lead to blurred vision. Sometimes even blindness can occur. Can’t tolerate the light. At the same time, swelling can also occur on the retina and cornea.

what is the treatment

Shingles is treated with antiviral drugs. These medicines relieve the pain and heal the blisters. At the same time, the spread of the virus is also prevented with the help of these medicines. Doctors also try to control the disease with steroid medicines. When postherpetic neuralgia develops, pain medication and antidepressants are given to relieve nerve pain.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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