Should you eat rice in diabetes or not? 60 days old rice is the best, know the right way to cook it from Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Method of Cooking Rice: Whether we talk about ancient texts or today’s YouTube food channel, rice is a grain that has been eaten in India for centuries. In some states of the country, rice is eaten as the main grain. But often concerns are also raised about rice that it increases weight, diabetic patients should not eat it… etc. But do you know that Ayurveda has described some such methods of cooking rice, which provide us with the full nutrition of this rice. As soon as Chawla is mentioned, the debate of white rice vs brown rice also starts, because often brown rice is considered more ‘healthy’. But is it really that healthy? Know the answers to all these questions from Ayurvedic doctor Rupali Jain.

Ayurvedic doctor Rupali Jain says that Vagbhat Rishi describes rice in detail in his Ayurvedic book Ashtanghrdaya. According to him, rice can be served in 4 ways, Mand, Peya, Vilepi and Odan. Mand means when rice is cooked by adding 14 times water and the starch formed from it is eaten. Peya means when there is some rice in this starch and Vilepi means thin rice and Odan means the rice we usually eat.

Raktshaali rice i.e. red colored rice is also said to be very good and healthy for health.

Which rice is best for you?

– It is said in Ayurveda that the rice which is Shasthshali i.e. the rice which is ready in 60 days, that rice is the best for us.
Along with this, Raktshali rice i.e. red colored rice is also said to be very good and healthy for health.
Nowadays, many types of rice are available in the shops, but always remember, the rice which is grown in the land around you is the best for you.
– Only rice that is at least 1 year old is useful for eating. Eating fresh rice that is just produced is not considered good for health. Its identification is that when you take a grain of rice in your hand and break it, it breaks easily. This is new rice.
– Whatever rice you use should be less polished.

The right method of cooking rice (how to cook rice according to ayurveda)

1. First of all, wash the rice with water at least 2-3 times. Wash the rice gently so that it does not break. Also, if there is any powder or dust on the rice, it will get removed by washing.

2. After removing the first discharge, you can drink the second or third discharge. This is called tandulodak. Some Ayurvedic medicines are advised to be taken with this water. For example, if women have the problem of white discharge, then medicines should be taken with this water.

3. Wash the rice and keep it aside for 15 to 20 minutes. Cook it only after that.

4. Take one spoon of ghee in a big vessel. Add cumin seeds, 2 or 3 cloves and black pepper in it. You can also add a small piece of cinnamon. This will not only enhance the taste of rice, it will also make it easier to digest. If you want, you can cook rice without adding ghee or other things.

5. Now add water to the rice. You can add a little more water to the rice so that its starch can be removed later. Now add rock salt to it and let the rice cook.

6. You have to cook the rice without covering it. Keep checking it from time to time to see if the rice is getting cooked or not. When the rice is fully cooked from inside and remains light from above, that is, when the rice is 90% cooked, turn off the gas and separate its water.

7. Now when the water is drained from the rice, keep the vessel on very low flame for 2 minutes and this time cook the rice covered. Turn off the gas after 2 minutes. Your rice will be ready crispy.

8. When you cook rice like this, it is healthy and can be eaten easily. Whereas when rice is cooked in a cooker, it becomes sticky and this rice is harmful for diabetic patients. The biggest advantage of separating starch from rice is that it reduces carbohydrates and reduces the glycemic index of rice.

Tags: Diabetes, eat healthy

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