Shraddha Murder Case Aftab S Polygraph Test Matched In Police Investigation

Police has got another big success in the famous Shraddha murder case. The answers to the questions put to the accused Aftab Amin Poonawala during the polygraph test have matched with the investigation of the South District Police. In such a situation, the investigating officer is assuming that the accused has spoken the truth in the polygraph test. He answered most of the questions correctly. On the other hand, five of the 23 bones found by the South District Police from Chhatarpur forest did not match with Shraddha’s father’s DNA. Now the police will get the post mortem test of the bones done to confirm Shraddha’s death. This will tell which bone belongs to which part of the body.

The officer involved in the investigation of Shraddha murder case said that along with the DNA report, the police also got the polygraph test report of accused Aftab on Wednesday evening. About 35 questions were asked to the accused during the test. Out of these, the accused has given correct answers to most of the questions.

Who was Shraddha, how did she befriend the accused, why did she used to fight, why Shraddha was killed, how she was killed, how many pieces the body was cut into, where the parts were thrown, where the saw and blade were thrown and with how many girls Was it friendship etc. questions were asked.

The accused has given the same answers to most of the questions in the polygraph test which he had given during the interrogation. Here, the police had found a total of 23 bones (body parts). Of these, the DNA of 5 did not match with the DNA of Shraddha’s father. DNA has matched 18 bones, including the jaw and lower part of the waist found in the forest.

blood and hair mixed

The police had also found hair from Chhatarpur forest. Their DNA has been found with Shraddha’s father Vikas. Police found a lot of dried blood from the kitchen of Aftab’s Chhatarpur flat. The blood has also matched with the DNA.

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