side effects of air conditioning ac on health read full article in hindi

Air conditioner or AC has become an important part of our modern lifestyle. There is nothing better than this to get comfort and relief from the scorching heat in the summer months. While it provides relief from the scorching heat, it is important to know what effect air conditioning has on our health. In this article, we will know in detail about its effect on people who live in AC for hours or say day and night.

Dry Eye
Dry eye problem occurs due to staying in air conditioning for too long. When the air conditioner runs, it reduces the level of humidity in the room. As a result, the moisture in our eyes starts evaporating more quickly. Which causes dryness, itching and discomfort. People who are already suffering from the problem of dry eyes should not stay in AC for too long even by mistake.

Staying in air-conditioned room for a long time leads to lethargy and lack of energy. This is because cold temperature can reduce our metabolic rate and slow down our body’s natural processes. Staying in fresh air keeps the body energized naturally, which helps the body to function properly.

Headache and breathing problems may occur

Due to sitting in AC for a long time, the skin starts drying. At the same time, the moisture in the skin starts decreasing. Due to staying in AC for a long time, one starts complaining of headache and body ache. Due to sitting in AC for a long time, bone pain starts. Complaints of cold and cough arise due to coming out of the cold room in the sun.

Staying in AC for a long time can cause headache, dehydration and migraine. Not only this, dehydration can also be triggered. Staying in AC for a long time can also cause allergies and asthma. In such a situation, keep the AC clean.

Staying in AC for a long time can cause serious problems in the nose, throat and eyes. There is a problem of swelling inside the nose. This causes viral infection. Staying in air conditioning for a long time can cause dryness and water deficiency in the body. Along with this, your nature can also change. You may feel irritable.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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