Side Effects Of Street Food In Delhi Momos After AIIMS Advisory On Chewing

Why Momos Is Not Good For Health: Who does not like to eat momos. While returning from school, college, office, you must have done this thing that you must have eaten momos standing on the road side. Or must have got it packed so that it can be eaten after reaching home. But do you know that the momos you eat on the roadside in a hurry can prove to be very dangerous for your body. Today we will talk about the simple look of momos. Seeing which we feel that there is no oil or spice in it, then it is not harmful for the body, no matter how much you eat it, but for your information, let us tell you that it is not so at all. Today we will tell in our article that how momos can harm your body.

The thing that is mixed in flour while making it is dangerous for the stomach.

As you know momos are made from flour. Azodicarbonamide, Benzoyl Peroxide are found in abundance in flour. In order to keep momos soft for a long time, a liquid named Alloxan is added to it. Which is very harmful for our health. For your information, let us tell you that the special thing that is added to make flour is not good for the body. This special thing damages the pancreas of the body. Also diabetes increases.

Danger from non-veg momos

Especially non-veg momos are more dangerous. Chicken is used in non-veg momos, whose quality is very poor. Which can make anyone sick.

red chutney with momos

Let us tell you that the red chutney that is eaten with momos. It can be very harmful for the body. The red chutney that is eaten with momos. Its taste is very good but it is very pungent. Which is not good for stomach.

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