simple habits into your daily routine can significantly alleviate eye strain and improve overall eye health

In today’s digital age, eye fatigue or strain is a common complaint. Which is often caused by staying in front of the screen for a long time. If you are also struggling with this, then you can get rid of it by incorporating some special habits in your daily life. Symptoms like headache, blurred vision and dry eyes are all symptoms of digital eye strain. Which can cause discomfort and cause a lot of damage to your eyes.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

A simple but powerful way to prevent eye fatigue is the 20-20-20 rule. Take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away. This habit gives your eyes a break, reducing the constant focus on a screen, which is a major cause of eye strain. Setting reminders on your phone or using apps that prompt you to take breaks can help make this habit easier to stick to.

Fix your laptop screen settings

Brightness and contrast settings on your digital device play an important role in eye comfort. Make sure your screen’s brightness matches the lighting in your surroundings. Too much contrast between your screen and the lighting in the room can make your eyes work harder. Additionally, reducing glare by increasing text size and using an anti-glare screen or coating can reduce strain.

blink more often

It’s common for people to blink less frequently when focusing on a screen, leaving their eyes dry and irritated. Make a conscious effort to blink more often when working on a computer, smartphone or tablet. Blinking helps keep the eyes moist, prevents dryness and naturally reduces stress. If you’re having trouble remembering, consider using artificial tears or eye drops to keep your eyes moist.

Work in the right light

If the place where you are working has low light, it can cause problems in your eyes. So do not work in a dimly lit room. Choose a light for work that is neither too bright nor too dim. If you are using a computer, make sure that there is no glare on the screen from overhead light or windows. Place your screen at an angle where the glare is minimal and consider using a softly lit desk lamp to focus on your workspace.

Do eye exercises

Strengthen your eye muscles by doing eye exercises. You can do exercises like eye rolling, eye rolling every 10 seconds. By doing this, you can work with more concentration. Do eye exercises.

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