Sleep deprivation: Do you also not get sleep at night? These yogasanas can improve your condition

Nowadays lifestyle has become so bad that there is no perfect time for eating, sleeping and waking up in the morning. Nowadays most of the people are troubled by the problem of lack of sleep. Due to this, they keep spending their time on the phone late at night. What will happen to a person if you go to bed after a tired day and you are not able to sleep properly?

Everyone loves a night’s sleep. But due to lack of sleep, people keep changing sides throughout the night. Today we have brought a special solution for such people. Today we will tell you such yoga tips with the help of which you will be able to sleep on time at night. 

By doing these yogasanas, you will get a perfect sleep at night


If you are going through sleep problems then you should do Balasana. If you are turning in bed at night then Balasana will help you a lot. You have to do this asana daily. By doing this you will get good sleep. It also improves digestion. Not only this, it also provides a lot of relief in digestion. 

By doing Shalabhasana, muscles get stretched and body fatigue also reduces. It helps in getting good sleep. By doing this asana, there is a lot of stress on the stomach as well as the brain. To do this, first lie down on the stomach and keep both the palms under the thighs and join the heels of both the feet and keep the toes in a straight line. Then slowly lift them upwards and take a deep breath. 

Vajrasana-It is considered better to do Vajrasana before sleeping. It strengthens the digestive system and relaxes the muscles and organs of the body, relieves stress, which helps in getting good sleep.

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How to do this asana
Sit with your feet under your body.
Keep your spine straight and your knees close to each other.
Breathe deeply, expand your stomach as you breathe in, and contract your stomach as you exhale.
Shavasana- Shavasana is done after a yoga session. Doing this gives deep healing as well as deep relaxation to the body. This asana can be done when you are very tired, doing this also gives energy and calms the mind. Do this before sleeping, you will get good sleep.

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How to do this Asana

Sit on the yoga mat and make sure that there is no one around to disturb you.
Now close your eyes, keep both legs apart
Make sure that you are completely relaxed and both the thumbs of your feet are bent towards the side.
Your hands should be with your body but a little far away, keep the palms open and upwards.
Now slowly start focusing on each part of the body.
First of all start with the thumb, when you concentrate, slow down the speed of breathing and focus on yourself
Mercury Asana – The body is greatly affected by the day’s work and running around. In such a situation, many times you are unable to sleep due to fatigue. The digestion process also slows down, in such a situation you should practice Marjari Asana.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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