Sleep on dirty sheets? Lazy to wash? These 4 ‘dangerous’ diseases can affect the body

Have you been using the same bedsheet for a long time? Do you change the bedding only once a month? If the answer to these questions is ‘yes’, then you are at risk of many health problems. Yes you are listening right. It is also possible that knowingly or unknowingly you are facing the brunt of your habits and you do not even know the reason for it. According to a survey, around 11 million people in Britain wash their bedsheets only once a month. 

An analysis by UK-based research and data analytics firm YouGov found that one in three people said they consider changing bedsheets after two weeks. New research has told about four such health problems, which can be the reason for using dirty bedsheets. Research has also told that out of these four problems, two are ‘silent killers’ i.e. they can attack your body without any symptoms. 

1. eczema

Eczema is such a disease, due to which severe itching starts on the skin and the skin also becomes dry. Sometimes burning sensation also starts to be felt. People suffering from this problem have to face a lot of problems. The most common form of eczema, atopic eczema affects one in 5 children and one in 10 adults in the UK. According to the report of The Sun, the dirty bed sheet often increases these problems even more. Skin irritation can occur if the bed sheet is not washed from time to time. 

2. pneumonia

Pneumonia is a type of lung infection, which causes difficulty in breathing. If it is not treated on time, then this disease can also cause oxygen deficiency and death. Its common symptoms include cough, weakness, fatigue, sweating and frequent tremors. Staphylococcus bacteria are often found in hospital bed sheets, which can cause pneumonia. Keep changing your bedsheet from time to time to get rid of bacteria. Save the Children experts point out that pneumonia is also known as the ‘silent killer’. 

3. pimples

These days a large number of people are struggling with the problem of pimples. It is a painful condition of the skin, which bothers everyone at one time or the other. About 95 percent of people between the ages of 11 and 30 are affected by pimples to some degree. The National Health Service (NHS) says that pimples sometimes affect the back and chest area as well. Dirty sheets also do the work of creating the problem of pimples. If you use dirty bed sheets then it is more likely that you may get pimples. 

4. Asthma

Asthma is a disease associated with inflammation of the airways of the lungs. This disease has affected 8 million people in Britain. Asthma is a respiratory condition caused by inflammation of the airways that carry air in and out of the lungs. This disease can affect people of all ages. If asthma is not treated on time, it can also lead to sudden death. Experts say that bedding that is not changed regularly tends to accumulate dust, which can trigger asthma.

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