Smoking 100 cigarettes is equal to burning mosquito repellants in the room … there may be a risk of lung cancer

Side Effect Of Moasquito Repellent: As soon as summer comes, the season of mosquitoes is also at its peak. This increases the risk of dengue and malaria. Their buzzing makes us angry and their bites itch. Sometimes the fear of mosquitoes increases so much that we cannot even sleep at night. As a result, to protect ourselves from mosquito bites, we immediately use creams, coils, etc. And mats like mosquito repellents are used but do you know that these mosquito coils come with health toxicity. We are not saying this, experts believe.

burning mosquito coils is equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes

Dr. A large number of mosquito repellents are said to have been created recently with the potential to benefit people and protect them from insect bites. In addition to the benefits of using mosquito repellents, the risks of environmental and health toxicity from the use of these substances There is growing concern about. Repellents can cause adverse interactions with your body, resulting in harmful effects. There are increasing health risks associated with burning mosquito coils and other repellants indoors." According to an earlier study published by Environmental Health Prospective "It is true to say that lighting a mosquito coil in a suite room is almost equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes. Even though tobacco smoke does not come out of the coil, it is very harmful to our health. Because it contains Benzo Pyrene, Benzo Fluoroethane As elements emerge.

Risk of asthma and lung cancer

It is clear that cigarette smoking has a negative effect on a person’s health. Similarly exposure to coil smoke poses a risk of more serious health effects such as developing cancer in the lungs. Apart from this, there can be problems like asthma, difficulty in breathing. To avoid such health hazards, avoid burning coils in closed places.When the season of mosquito attacks comes, mosquito repellents are essential. However, you can switch to some natural and safe alternatives so that you’re doubly protected.

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