Soaking fennel seeds in water overnight and consuming it the next morning read full article in Hindi

Indians are food lovers and their love for fennel seeds (saunf) for post-meal refreshment is no secret. Indians have long recognized the benefits of fennel, especially how effective it is for post-meal digestion. Almost every Indian knows this.

We often use fennel as a mouth freshener. But do you know that this spice also removes your stomach related problems. Fennel has a cooling effect. Therefore, it is often advised to drink fennel water on an empty stomach. Not only this, it also keeps away from many serious diseases. Today we will tell you in detail what are the benefits of drinking fennel water. However, these small seeds are not only for freshness but are also very beneficial for health from cooking to cooking.

Benefits of fennel water:-

Diabetes control: Fennel is rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals. This is the reason why it keeps diabetes under control. And also keeps the blood sugar level under control.

Beneficial for the eyes: Fennel is rich in vitamin A which improves eyesight. Drinking its water daily helps in removing eye related problems.

For teeth and gums: Fennel has antibacterial properties. This is the reason why it is used as a mouth freshener. It is also very beneficial for teeth and gums.

Fennel water is very good for the skin. It also cures blemishes and acne.

It is beneficial for hair: Fennel water is very beneficial for hair. It prevents hair fall.

Drinking fennel juice can prove to be beneficial to keep both the body and skin cool in summer. Fennel contains antioxidants and vitamins which keep the skin hydrated and protect it from the harmful rays of the sun. Fennel helps in keeping the skin cool, which provides relief from the problems occurring in summer days. Drinking fennel water removes wrinkles and redness on the face.

Improves digestion

It is considered very beneficial for health as well as skin. Drinking its water daily improves digestion and provides relief from problems like gas, acidity. To make fennel juice, you have to soak fennel in water for 10 minutes, then grind the soaked fennel in a mixer, after grinding, filter it in a glass, you can also add honey to it as per taste, then mix it well and drink fennel water on an empty stomach in the morning.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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