Solar Halo: When and why the circle is formed around the Sun and why is it called Solar Halo?

In many districts of North India including Prayagraj today a circular ring was seen around the sun. This sight was absolutely amazing, people took pictures of it and started sharing it on social media. Let us try to know the answers to these questions today, how it is formed and what is it called in the language of science? Along with this, we will also tell you whether this happens only with the sun or with the moon as well, or has it ever happened.

When and when the circle of light around the sun Why is it made

On Friday morning, when people sleepily looked at the place and the sky, they saw a luminous circle around the sun. Everyone was surprised to see this, for those who do not know the science behind it, this sight was no less than a miracle. Actually, it is a common astronomical phenomenon which in the language of science is also called Solar Halo or Sun Ring. Experts say that this is due to the hexagonal crystals present in the atmosphere. In fact, when light falls on the water droplets present in the atmosphere, this phenomenon occurs due to its radiation. Many times many colors are also visible in this sphere like a rainbow.

Does this happen with the moon

Yes, this happens with the moon too and it is called hollow off. called Moon. Some people also call it moon ring. This happened with Chand on 20 February 2016. Coincidentally, that too was a Friday. Even at that time people had given various reactions after seeing this scene. 

On the other hand, on July 20, 2015 also a similar incident was seen in some areas of Uttarakhand. On the morning of 20th July, the people of Haldwani, Betalghat saw a wonderful circular shape around the sun in which rainbow colors were visible. However, the day this incident took place was a Sunday. So if you are trying to link the day of the two events mentioned above then it is wrong. It was just a coincidence and nothing else.

What is called a halo?

When a circular shape is formed around a luminous or energy-rich object, it is called a halo. It is also mentioned in spirituality. You must have seen in the pictures of many Gods that there is a shining circular shape behind their head, which is also called halo.

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